Volunteer at Reception
Our service at Southwick is a busy hub with management, counsellors, clients and clients’ loved ones on site.
Having a friendly face to welcome people into the building is always appreciated. If this sounds like you, please do get in touch!
The Reception Role:
Our reception team are responsible for the first contact with clients who use the counselling service. This is a great position for those wishing to contribute to the community, build connections, and be part of a reputable service. This is also a brilliant starting position for those embarking on their counselling practice training.
We ask that volunteers commit to at least 2 shifts per month. This is an in-person role and requires you to be on site during or opening times.
As You Are is open:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 17:30 – 21:00
Saturdays 09:30 – 13:00
Typically, volunteers choose to have a regular day, and come in on a fortnightly basis.
If you are able to donate more time, that is always gratefully received.

Practicalities: What will I be doing?
- Be on site to welcome clients and counsellors into the building
- Contact clients via the telephone and email to share information about the service including counselling and psychoeducational groups
- Schedule and book in Initial Assessment sessions for clients wishing to access counselling
- Liaise with counsellors in the service regarding assessment availability and bookings
- Contact clients and counsellors via email to confirm scheduled appointments
- Ensure the counselling database is up to date
- Miscellaneous tasks which benefit the service such as photocopying and filing
Benefits of Volunteering with Us!
All volunteers within AYA are respected, valued and listened to. We welcome the input of volunteers in all aspects of the service, and offer various advantages to being a part of our team!
- Access to in-house training opportunities (particularly useful for aspiring counsellors, those seeking personal development, and those working in the field of mental health and wellbeing)
- Opportunity to input into the direction and development of a growing service
- Contributing to a vital community initiative
- Build social connection and community
- Expenses for travel can be claimed
- Opportunity to be part of a bustling, creative and energetic team

Make an impact - Volunteer now!

Please complete the Web Form (left) or download, complete and email the Application Form (Word doc below) to info@asyouarecentre.co.uk to register your interest in volunteering on the reception at As You Are.
One of the Service Team, Jen and Cat, will be in touch with you to discuss the role.
If you wish to move forward, we will arrange shadow-shifts for you so you can get a feel for being a part of AYA before committing to the position.
We are so grateful for your interest!
Download : AYA Receptionist Application Form 2023