Psychotherapeutic Counselling

AYA low cost counselling sussex

Counselling for Individuals

We offer 24 consecutive weekly counselling sessions for individuals seeking support. 
Counselling is charged from £8 – £45 per session.

Group in therapy

Information for
Referring Professionals

If you are a professional supporting an individual or a duo, we are happy to accept counselling referrals. You are welcome to provide funding for clients. 


Our groupwork opportunities are for psychoeducational support. What this means is that they are designed to offer you practical skills and learning rather than being group counselling. You might learn ways to manage your anxiety or support a loved one who is bereaved. Learn more about our groupwork today.

Group therapy

All our counsellors are professionally trained or on a recognised training course and supported by supervision.

View mental health resources that can help you understand yourself better and get the extra support you need.

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